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Version history of pixiv Fantasia SR

2012-07-23 00:08:20 バージョン%

pixiv Fantasia SR

pixiv Fantasia SR(Sword Regalia) is a fantasy themed project organised by arohaJ.


Official Project Notice Clip(※Powered by Niconico)

――Long time ago, somewhere far away,there was a ground where ancient dragon had created

――Five travelers who traveled for a long time wishing for a New World,

Arrived to this land.――

――This is a tale of five countries

that ancient dragon has blessed swords and continent to.――

(Quotes from the clip)

The World of PFSR

Joined in from 2nd chapter

Period and Rules





 Chapter 1

 Chapter 2

 Chapter 3

 Chapter 4

Adventurers Guild Requests

Some Aproaches by Users

In PFSR, there are few things users have created for us to have more fun in the project, which will be introduced below.

Un-official Tags

 ※Please add some tags that is considered important. More detailed one will be gathered here.


・Tags relating to Characters

PFSRPC…Tag for characters that lives in the continent of Regalia (what commonly used in other projects for Character Sheets).

【PFSR】交流しようよ!…Tag for users that wants to colaborate with one others characters.

PFSR【ギルドシート】…If you put this tag in the Guild post, it will be easier for others to find (concider it as a application form to make Guild).

PFSRメンバー募集…It will be useful to recruit new members in you Guild or Party. We recommend you to take them off when your finished with recruiting.

・Tags relating to Conceptual Ideas

pixivファンタジアSR世界設定…This tag should be added to the conceptual ideas for The Continent of Regalia. Recommended to use if you want to spread your imagination to how the world of PFSR looks and works.

・Other tags

PFSRアイテム…Try adding this tag in the original items you have made, and wants everyone else to use. Mysterious things are welcome, because it is Fantasy!

Article in other languages


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About issues in articles If you find something off in an article, please go ahead and edit it yourself.
If you see that someone else keeps doing illicit activities, please go to their profile and report them via the Report a problem button.

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