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2013-07-12 18:10:30 バージョン%

Christa Renz

A character from Attack on Titan.

Basic Stats

Age15 years old(She joined the 104th Trainees Squad at age 12.)
Voiced byShiori Mikami

Christa is a blue-eyed, blond-haired girl with a peculiar lock of hair hanging in front of her face.

Even though she carries a gentle personality and has as short figure, she actually graduated from the 104th Trainees Squad at rank 10.

Her amazing kindness stands out as she’s meticulous at caring for others and is willing to share her own food to troubled friends.

Since her appearance is pleasant, graceful, and cute, others have often thought of her as a goddess, leaving her quite popular with the boys.

She excels at equestrian art and is very intelligent, though her physical abilities are below average.

Even though her pleasant demeanor bothers Ymir, Christa’s response is “I only want to do good things,” proving her niceness, however...

Christa actually carries a secret bloodline. She was born not to a direct descendant of this bloodline, but from a concubine. To escape her past, she went by the alias “Christa Renz” after running away from home. Her real name (Link may have spoilers) is revealed in the 10th volume of the manga.

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Attack on Titan, Ymir

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